Army of Shadows (1969)

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Army of Shadows (1969) poster
Logo Army of Shadows
Also Known as: Army in the Shadows

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 80.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 1969
Runtime: 2h 25m
Rating: Unrated
Countries: France Italy
Languages: EN, FR, DE
Keywords: Show more
France, 1942, during the occupation. Philippe Gerbier, a civil engineer, is one of the French Resistance's chiefs. Given away by a traitor, he is interned in a camp. He manages to escape, and joins his network at Marseilles, where he makes the traitor be executed... This non-spectacular movie (do not expect any Rambo or Robin Hood) shows us rigorously and austerely the everyday of the French Resistants : their solitude, their fears, their relationships, the arrests, the forwarding of orders and their carrying out... Both writer Joseph Kessel and co-writer and director Jean-Pierre Melville belonged to this 'Army in the Shadows'.
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